If you are using Microsoft Excel 2003 and below, you’ll know that adding a custom header to your Excel spreadsheet requires you to work with a separate Page Setup window. With the introduction of Microsoft Excel 2007, you are able to work with the header directly on the worksheet itself, just by going to your [...]
It can be time- and labor-intensive to format columns so the text flows evenly from one column to another, when you’ve already typed and formatted the article text in another Word document, and also formatting a newsletter which is to include the headline article on page one with a picture that takes up most of [...]
Word 2007 makes it easy to change your default margins.
Learn how to save your Word 2007 documents into another default folder and how to save your Word 2007 into Word 97-2003 formats.
Before you send out that beautifully formatted Word 2007 document, it’s a good idea to have Office check the compatibility of your document with other versions of Word.