Save Office 2007 Documents As PDFs

Did you know that you can produce PDF files from your Microsoft Office 2007 without purchasing Adobe Acrobat or any other similar software?


Computer Virus Masqueraded As UPS And DHL Delivery Failure

Since I’m receiving these emails, I’ll presume that everybody will be receiving too, either sooner or later, but definitely will be, and therefore I’m writing this post to alert everybody about it. Please ensure that your system is protected with an anti-virus software and that it is updated to the latest version with the latest virus definition file.


Using A Desktop PC As A Server

Using your PC to act as server may serve the initial purpose of file sharing, but with an actual server hardware, there are numerous advantages residing over the normal PCs.


10 Steps To Protect Yourselves On A Public Computer

I’ve received a panic call from my customer claiming that someone might have hacked into his system and sending out emails without his knowledge.


Top 10 Things To Avoid When Using Your Computer

What prompted me to write this article is the fact that I just came back from a customer whose computer was infected with near to a hundred different viruses and thousands of spywares, just on ONE computer !!!

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